Online Cybersecurity Awareness Training

Course Details

The Federal Information Security Modernization Act of 2014 requires all federal employees and contractors to participate in annual cybersecurity training. Still, it is a good idea for private sector employers to provide this training too. This course discusses the importance of device security, password protection, and how to recognize and prevent common attacks such as malware, and social engineering.

Engaging Lessons

We’ve added simple interactions along the way to help students stay engaged throughout the course. 

Safeguard Today’s Technology

Our cybersecurity awareness course discusses security for today’s technology and the risks associated with unsecure devices. It also includes physical security and access to buildings, rooms, and resources. 

Password Protection

A good password is something easy for you to remember and difficult to guess. We’ll review important criteria for creating strong passwords and what things you should avoid using.

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Sign up here to receive a free live virtual training for your managers and supervisors. We will reach out to you to schedule your session.