Course Details
An organization’s culture determines the way individuals act with each other inside and outside the organization. Managers influence and drive the culture for conduct. This course reviews the ways in which principles, values, history, location, personalities, and additional formal and informal actions establish conduct in the workplace.
Guiding Principles
There are many factors that influence an organization’s overall culture. Some companies have built a well-known culture on character alone. The four guiding principles which can positively influence culture are organizational expectations, involvement in day-to-day operations, employee morale, and opportunities for innovation and creativity.
Establishing Conduct Manager Survey
Managers can determine their contribution with setting the culture for conduct by taking the survey. Managers will answer and rate themselves on questions such as, Do I share truthful information, including critical feedback, with individuals?, How involved are my employees with problem-solving?, Have employees received company policies and procedures?, and Do I help to create a diverse environment?
Establishing Your Mission
The mission statement shares a company’s purpose, values, and goals. They vary in size, definitive factors, values, and expected outcome. How can your mission statement help employees determine if their personal values and beliefs are aligned with the company’s?
“The buck stops with me, but I can tick off dozens of very good senior executives that are responsible for hundreds or thousands of people who work for me.” – Rupert Murdoch
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