Course Details
Hiring the right candidates can result in:
• Lower turnover
• Higher productivity
• More profitability
This course focuses on the hiring and interviewing process, lead and probe questions, and competencies that help you to make the right hiring decisions.
Critical Processes and Procedures - Hiring Process
We discuss the typical steps in the hiring process and review any additional steps that companies might take such as additional hiring manager interviews, using a review panel for candidate selection, and conducting a background check.
Competencies/Lead and Probe Questions
What is a competency? It’s a set of demonstrable characteristics and skills that enable and improve job performance. The knowledge and skills needed for a specific position are transferred through competencies. Practical application for understanding competencies, and behavioral interviewing questions is an important part of this training.
Downloadable Resources – Rating Tool
Utilize our downloadable resources, such as our candidate rating tool document. Rate candidates using this form during the behavioral interview on a scale from unacceptable (1) to outstanding (5). Calculating overall scores will help compare candidates and determine the best one for the position.
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